From the world to Carolina - Maranhão

Publicado em 18/10/2012

Crystal clear waters, natural pools, fascinating landscapes. From 11 to 15 October the Via Mundo led a group of nineteen interchange students for an unforgettable trip to Carolina, Maranhão - Brazil.

Gilberto Reis and Håkon Olsnes came together with adventurers from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Colombia and Norway who were very excited about this fascinating experience to discover those riches of Maranhão.

The team met the Waterfalls of Itapecuruzinho, also known as Twin Waterfalls, the Ecological Refuge Serra Torre da Lua, the São Romão andPrata waterfalls in the National Park Chapada das Mesas, the Natural Reserve of Rio Cocal, the Santa Barbara waterfall, Encanto Azul and Tourist Complex Pedra Caída. Wow! A trip to Carolina was really breathtaking!